The film follows a young aspiring art university student, who falls in love with the older sister of his girlfriend. The heartrending longing and the true love that the three characters pursue, is pure, but almost painful. Is the person who stands next to you, is the person that gives you true comfort and love? Can you say that you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?
Directed by: | Shin Togashi |
Written by: | Masako Imai |
Release date: | 2006-10-21 |
Runtime: | 114 minutes |
Tagline: | romance |
Hayato Ichihara
Ayuta Ipponyari
Ayuta Ipponyari
Manami Konishi
Haruhi Godo
Haruhi Godo
Erika Sawajiri
Natsuki Saito
Natsuki Saito
Tomokazu Miura
Kazuma Suzuki
Keiko Toda
Sachie Ipponyari
Sachie Ipponyari
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Also known as:
- Angel's Egg