Tamala is a cat living on Planet Cat Earth in the Feline Galaxy. In attempt to leave the Feline Galaxy, which is practically owned by a mega corporation called Catty & Co., she crashes on the violence-ridden Planet Q where she meets Michelangelo. Together they have fun, while Tamala seaches for her connections to Catty & Co. and her mysterious homeworld Orion.
Directed by: | K. & kuno |
Written by: | kuno |
Release date: | 2002-10-19 |
Runtime: | 92 minutes |
Béatrice Dalle
Tatla the Machine God (Voice)
Tatla the Machine God (Voice)
Takeshi Katō
Zombie Cat (Voice)
Zombie Cat (Voice)
Hisayo Mochizuki
Tamala (Voice)
Tamala (Voice)
Shinji Takeda
Michelangelo (voice)
Michelangelo (voice)
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