Jerzy Stuhr plays a high school teacher with a sensitive outlook on life and a soft spot for students who like art and literature as passionately as he does. His adversary is a possessed sports instructor, gaining growing control over the students and authorities. His methods are questionable and his influence dangerous, but the handball team's prospects look good and the school needs success...

Directed by: Feliks Falk
Written by: Feliks Falk
Release date: 1980-02-18
Runtime: 87 minutes
Jerzy Stuhr Jerzy Stuhr
Zbyszek Ejmont 
Krzysztof Zaleski Krzysztof Zaleski
Krzysztof Janota 
Iwona Biernacka Iwona Biernacka
Tomasz Zieciowski Tomasz Zieciowski
Irek Stefański 
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