Sunny is a 1941 film American film directed by Herbert Wilcox. It was adapted by Sig Herzig from the Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammerstein II musical play Sunny. It stars Anna Neagle, Ray Bolger, John Carroll, Edward Everett Horton, Grace Hartman, Paul Hartman, Frieda Inescort, and Helen Westley.

Directed by: Herbert Wilcox
Written by: Sig Herzig
Runtime: 98 minutes
Ray Bolger Ray Bolger
Bunny Billings 
John Carroll John Carroll
Larry Warren 
Bess Flowers Bess Flowers
Mrs. W. Wakefield 
Halliwell Hobbes Halliwell Hobbes
Frieda Inescort Frieda Inescort
Elizabeth Warren 
Torben Meyer Torben Meyer
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