Critics score:
85 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Janet Maslin, New York Times: Mr. Nimoy directed this Star Trek installment, and indeed he should probably direct all of them. His technical expertise leaves much to be desired. But his sincerity is unmistakable, and it counts for a lot. Read more

Pat Graham, Chicago Reader: I suspect the unconverted will want to be beamed up pronto. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: An effective and enjoyable sample of entertainment -- not good science fiction, but a lightweight piece of comic fantasy utilizing characters so familiar that they feel like old friends. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: This is easily the most absurd of the Star Trek stories -- and yet, oddly enough, it is also the best, the funniest and the most enjoyable in simple human terms. Read more

Stephen Garrett, Time Out: Kirk & Co return to present-day San Francisco to save the whales in the most enjoyable film of the series so far, also returning to the simplistic morality-play format that gave the original TV series its strength. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Latest excursion is warmer, wittier, more socially relevant and truer to its TV origins than prior odysseys. Read more

Paul Attanasio, Washington Post: Immensely pleasurable. Read more

Rita Kempley, Washington Post: A happy, heartfelt chapter that reunites the original cast with the original TV format, shying away from the cold and epic scale of the preceding movie adventures. Read more