Critics score:
35 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Mary Houlihan, Chicago Sun-Times: There are no real surprises here, just lives played out quietly and succinctly under the seductive spell of music. Read more

Sara Stewart, New York Post: Captures a similar, unselfconscious beauty in the way music can make sense of big, ungainly emotions - as James puts it, "for three to five whole minutes." Read more

John Hartl, Seattle Times: It seems thin despite its first-rate cast, which includes two Academy Award winners. Read more

Peter Debruge, Variety: Perhaps the cleverest thing about Barker-Froyland's delicately contrived debut is how uncontrived she manages to make it seem. Read more

Jesse Hassenger, AV Club: Not enough happens in Song One for the movie to really qualify as unpredictable, but it deserves credit for a steadfast avoidance of melodrama in a story that practically begs for it. Read more

Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic: Loving the movie is out of the question - there simply isn't enough here - but writer-director Kate Barker-Froyland's feature debut is certainly a likable effort. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: Take away the Brooklyn chic and the medical emergency, and "Song One" is a pretty good study-hall daydream. Read more

David Rooney, Hollywood Reporter: The mellow chemistry between Hathaway and Flynn fits the mood of the film, even if their characters' tentative relationship could use more tangible conflict. A touch more humor wouldn't have hurt, either. Read more

Sheri Linden, Los Angeles Times: Anyone with the slightest allergy to emo-tinged millennial attitudinizing should steer clear. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: The film, like the world it's part of, remains just a little too precious, a little too self-involved, a little too insular. Instead of singing out, directly to us, it hums its little tune only to itself. Read more

Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News: It all seems like low-key riffing, rather than a movie that makes any cohesive statement. Read more

Jeannette Catsoulis, New York Times: Commendably, Ms. Barker-Froyland resists the urge to tidy up loose ends. And if her leads remain locked in a romance-novel connection ... at least it's one in which the smart girl gets the boy. Read more

Tirdad Derakhshani, Philadelphia Inquirer: Starts off as a singularly strong slice-of-life drama before dissipating into thin air. Read more

Peter Travers, Rolling Stone: Despite the delicate shadings Hathaway brings to the role, Song One moves inexorably from wan to wearying. Read more

Andrew O'Hehir, "Song One" makes no grand promises beyond the moments these people share, but those are intimately rendered and well worth celebrating. Read more

David Lewis, San Francisco Chronicle: Barker-Froyland has more than romance on her mind, and she crafts a nuanced ending to the story that feels right. We just wish we could have gotten to know these folks a little better along the way. Read more

David Ehrlich, Time Out: Fading out long before it's able to cohere into anything memorable, Song One has its heart in the right place (on its sleeve) -- it's just in desperate need of a few strong hooks. Read more

Alan Scherstuhl, Village Voice: He's got writer's block, she's waiting out the brother's coma, and the audience is left to wait out the inevitable resolution to both hoary plotlines. Read more

Stephanie Merry, Washington Post: Like the music, which is easy on the ears though never catchy, the movie doesn't stick with you. Once it's over, it's gone. Read more