Critics score:
81 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: Slap Shot has a kind of vitality to it that overwhelms most of the questions relating to consistency of character and point of view. Read more

Richard Schickel, TIME Magazine: Slap Shot may have done a lot of fast skating and some solid body checking, but in the last period it makes a final costly slip -- and misses its goal. Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: There are still some nice touches of absurdist satirical wit hanging out along the sidelines, given extra bite by Dede Allen's superbly pacy editing. Read more

Variety: Half the time Hill invites the audience to get off on the mayhem, the other half of the time he decries it. Read more

Gary Arnold, Washington Post: Newman is literally a diamond in the rough, and it requires a certain forebearance to separate his quality from the surrounding raunch. Read more