Set in Belfast against the backdrop of the 1986 World Cup, Shooting for Socrates tells the story of a momentous time in Northern Ireland's football history through the eyes of players, fans and the media. The film also follows the lives of passionate football supporter Arthur and his son Tommy from East Belfast. The lead up to a momentous day in the life of a young boy (his 10th birthday) mirrors the build up to the big day for the Northern Ireland football team as they play the greatest match of their lives.
Directed by: | James Erskine |
Written by: | Marie Jones & James Erskine |
Release date: | 2014-07-11 |
Runtime: | 92 minutes |
Tagline: | Divided by conflict...united by a dream |
John Hannah
Billy Bingham
Billy Bingham
Conleth Hill
Jackie Fullerton
Jackie Fullerton
Richard Dormer
Art Parkinson
Ciarán McMenamin
Sammy McIlroy
Sammy McIlroy
Nico Mirallegro
David Campbell
David Campbell
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