Inspired by the life of Captain Vikram Batra (PVC), the film celebrates his bravery, valiant spirit and honors his invaluable sacrifice during the Kargil War of 1999, at the age of 24.
Directed by: | Vishnuvardhan |
Written by: | Sandeep Srivastava |
Release date: | 2021-08-12 |
Runtime: | 135 minutes |
Tagline: | How a soldier became a legend |
Sidharth Malhotra
Captain Vikram Batra / Vishal Batra
Captain Vikram Batra / Vishal Batra
Kiara Advani
Dimple Cheema
Dimple Cheema
Shataf Figar
Lt. Colonel Y.K. Joshi
Lt. Colonel Y.K. Joshi
Shiv Panditt
Capt. Sanjeev Jamwal
Capt. Sanjeev Jamwal
Nikitin Dheer
Major Ajay Jasrotia
Major Ajay Jasrotia
Raj Arjun
Subedar Raghunath Singh
Subedar Raghunath Singh
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