The film presents the tale of Agnese Ascalone, daughter of prominent miner Vincenzo Ascalone, and takes place in a small town in Sicily. Agnese is seduced by her sister Matilde's fiancé, and has a tryst with him for which she confesses and tries to repent, only to be discovered by her mother and father.

Directed by: Pietro Germi
Written by: Pietro Germi & Agenore Incrocci & Luciano Vincenzoni & Furio Scarpelli
Runtime: 118 minutes
Lando Buzzanca Lando Buzzanca
Antonio Ascalone 
Aldo Puglisi Aldo Puglisi
Peppino Califano 
Stefania Sandrelli Stefania Sandrelli
Agnese Ascalone 
Leopoldo Trieste Leopoldo Trieste
Barone Rizieri 
Saro Urzì Saro Urzì
Don Vincenzo Ascalone 
Umberto Spadaro Umberto Spadaro
il cugino di Ascalone 
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Also known as:
  • Seduced and Abandoned