At an elite boarding school for girls, six friends jokingly engage in a late night ritual, calling forth the spirit of a dead former student who reportedly haunts their halls. Before morning, one of the girls is dead, leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.

Directed by: Simon Barrett
Written by: Simon Barrett
Release date: 2021-05-21
Runtime: 92 minutes
Tagline: Scream all you want.
Suki Waterhouse Suki Waterhouse
Camille Meadows 
Madisen Beaty Madisen Beaty
Marina Stephenson Kerr Marina Stephenson Kerr
Mrs. Landry 
Inanna Sarkis Inanna Sarkis
Ella-Rae Smith Ella-Rae Smith
Cliff Sumter Cliff Sumter
Police Officer 
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Also known as:
  • 降霊会 血塗られた女子寮