Critics score:
68 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: In spite of the jokes at the expense of television-network censors, there's very little in the film, aside from naughty words, that wouldn't be perfectly acceptable on prime-time television. Read more

Duane Byrge, Hollywood Reporter: Despite the juicy, on-the-edge craziness, Murray is able to layer his outrageous histrionics with an inner sensibility, making his ultimate transformation not only believable but Christmas-cheer uplifting. Read more

Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader: Tacky in the extreme, this self-congratulatory 1988 film is an exercise in hypocrisy, indulging every form of Christmas exploitation that it pretends to attack, and many of the laughs are forced. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: It was obviously intended as a comedy, but there is little comic about it, and indeed the movie's overriding emotions seem to be pain and anger. Read more

Time Out: Rowdy stuff for the light in head. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: An appallingly unfunny comedy, and a vivid illustration of the fact that money can't buy you laughs. Read more

Hal Hinson, Washington Post: If Donner and his team had any interest in the story's message, they've picked a puzzling way to show it. Read more

Joe Brown, Washington Post: This is not a 'good movie' -- in fact, it's a sprawling mess -- but I like it. Read more