Critics score:
87 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: An elaborately produced, mostly charmless adventure-comedy that intends to make fun of a kind of romantic fiction that's one step removed from what the movie is all about. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: Director Robert Zemeckis displays such dazzling cinematic know-how that it's genuinely depressing when this 1984 film falls off into the usual self-ridicule. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: After all the Raiders rip-offs, it's fun to find an adventure film that deserves the comparison, that has the same spirit and sense of humor. Read more

John Preston, Time Out: The script is sharp and funny, the direction sure-footed on both the comedy and action fronts, and the whole thing adds up to rather more concerted fun than Indiana Jones' flab-ridden escapade in the Temple of Doom. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Turner is like a lot of unwitting screen heroines ahead of her, guaranteed that her drab existence is about to be transformed -- probably by a man, preferably handsome and adventurous. Read more