Critics score:
67 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: Everyone else, including Mr. Caan and John Houseman, who plays a leading Houston executive, is more solemn and serious than the movie ever merits. Read more

Don Druker, Chicago Reader: Lifeless, uninspired, and crammed with enough hints of intellectual consistency to give the socially conscious critical establishment shivers of excitement. Read more

Jay Cocks, TIME Magazine: James Caan, on roller skates, is trying to save the world. This needs a bit of explaining, which is only the beginning of the trouble with Rollerball. Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: Ultimately, Rollerball gets by on its sheer monolithic quality - an abundance of quantity. Despite indifferent direction and dire humour, it is well mounted and photographed. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Norman Jewison's sensational futuristic drama about a world of Corporate States stars James Caan in an excellent performance as a famed athlete who fights for his identity and free will. Read more