A passionate filmmaker creating a film based upon a true crime casts an unknown mysterious young woman bearing a disturbing resemblance to the femme fatale in the story. Unsuspectingly, he finds himself drawn into a complex web of haunting intrigue: he becomes obsessed with the woman, the crime, her possibly notorious past, and the disturbing complexity between art and truth. From the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina to Verona, Rome, and London, new truths are revealed and clues to other crimes and passions, darker and even more complex, are uncovered.
Directed by: | Monte Hellman |
Written by: | Steven Gaydos |
Release date: | 2010-09-11 |
Runtime: | 121 minutes |
Critics score: |
Tagline: | Illusion is the first of all pleasures. |
Tygh Runyan
Mitchell Haven
Mitchell Haven
Shannyn Sossamon
Laurel Graham / Velma Duran
Laurel Graham / Velma Duran
Dominique Swain
Nathalie Post
Nathalie Post
Cliff DeYoung
Cary Stewart / Rafe Taschen
Cary Stewart / Rafe Taschen
John Diehl
Bobby Billings
Bobby Billings
Waylon Payne
Bruno Brotherton
Bruno Brotherton
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Caminho para o Nada
- Road to Nowhere - Sem Destino