Critics score:
62 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: ''Red Heat'' is a topically entertaining variation on the sort of action-adventure nonsense that plays best on television. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: "Red Heat" is not the first movie about a couple of very different cops, and it will not be the last, but as the formula goes this is a superior example. Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: Surface stuff, moderately contemptuous, but entertaining enough. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Schwarzenegger, who when he dons a green suit is dubbed 'Gumby' by Belushi, is right on target with his characterization of the iron-willed soldier, and Belushi proves a quicksilver foil. Read more

Hal Hinson, Washington Post: Right off the assembly line. Read more