Critics score:
94 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Gene Siskel, Chicago Tribune: Oh, those crazy doctors, when will they ever learn to stop messing around with the natural order of life and death? Read more

Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times: It's simply the best, funniest Grand Guignol horror picture to come along in ages. Read more

Janet Maslin, New York Times: All of this, ingenious as it may be and much as it will redound to Mr. Gordon's credit in hard-core horror circles, is absolutely to be avoided by anyone not in the mood for a major bloodbath. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: It's this kind of flat-footed stuff that gives garbage a bad name. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: We have been assaulted by a lurid imagination, amazed by unspeakable sights, blind-sided by the movie's curiously dry sense of humor. I guess that's our money's worth. Read more

Nicholas Royle, Time Out: The injection of humour into HP Lovecraft's 1922 tale is what saves this splatterfest from being mere fodder for gorehounds. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Pic has a grisly sense of humor, and sometimes is so gross and over the top the film tips over into a bizarre comedy. Read more

Paul Attanasio, Washington Post: Re-Animator is splatter heaven. Based on the sci-fi novel by H.P. Lovecraft, Re-Animator's gore is exceeded only by its wit. Read more