Quiz Show 1994


Herbert Stempel's transformation into an unexpected television personality unfolds as he secures victory on the cherished American game show, 'Twenty-One.' However, when the show introduces the highly skilled contestant Charles Van Doren to replace Stempel, it compels Stempel to let out his frustrations and call out the show as rigged. Lawyer Richard Goodwin steps in and attempts to uncover the orchestrated deception behind the scenes.

Directed by: Robert Redford
Written by: Paul Attanasio
Release date: 1994-08-25
Runtime: 133 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: Fifty million people watched but no one saw a thing.
Ralph Fiennes
Ralph Fiennes
Charles Van Doren 
Rob Morrow
Rob Morrow
Richard Goodwin 
John Turturro
John Turturro
Herbert 'Herb' Stempel 
Paul Scofield
Paul Scofield
Mark Van Doren 
David Paymer
David Paymer
Dan Enright 
Hank Azaria
Hank Azaria
Albert Freedman 
IMDb Quiz Show movie stills
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Also known as:
  • El dilema
  • Kvíz Show
  • Quiz Show - A Verdade dos Bastidores
  • Quiz Show - Der Skandal
  • Quiz Show. El dilema
  • 퀴즈쇼