Psychokill - Tod der Schmetterlinge 2001


A deranged violent criminal makes the area unsafe. In his sick brain he goes through a total psychosis and thinks that all beautiful girls are butterflies. After escaping from the inner city again, he sets out to kill all the butterflies. The lunatic's father is an influential millionaire and desperately tries to protect his son from the police and co. There are masses of conflicts and liters of "blood".

Directed by: Jochen Taubert
Written by: Jochen Taubert
Release date: 2001-05-31
Runtime: 68 minutes
Silvia Kippert
Silvia Kippert
Melanie Kiesfeld
Melanie Kiesfeld
Vera van Griensven
Vera van Griensven
Adriane Sondermann
Adriane Sondermann
Karin Assing
Karin Assing
Ramona Robers
Ramona Robers