Pete, a young orphan, runs away to a Maine fishing town with his best friend a lovable, sometimes invisible dragon named Elliott! When they are taken in by a kind lighthouse keeper, Nora, and her father, Elliott's prank playing lands them in big trouble. Then, when crooked salesmen try to capture Elliott for their own gain, Pete must attempt a daring rescue.

Directed by: Don Chaffey
Written by: Malcolm Marmorstein
Release date: 1977-11-03
Runtime: 128 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: Brazzle Dazzle Brilliance!
Shelley Winters Shelley Winters
Lena Gogan 
Jeff Conaway Jeff Conaway
Mickey Rooney Mickey Rooney
Charlie Callas Charlie Callas
Elliott (voice) 
Robert Easton Robert Easton
Store Proprietor 
Jim Dale Jim Dale
Dr. Terminus 
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Also known as:
  • Elliot, das Schmunzelmonster
  • Meu Amigo, o Dragão
  • Peter et Elliott le Dragon