In this magical tale about the boy who refuses to grow up, Peter Pan and his mischievous fairy sidekick Tinkerbell visit the nursery of Wendy, Michael and John Darling. With a sprinkling of pixie dust, Peter and his new friends fly out the nursery window and over London to Never-Never Land. The children experience many wonderful and exciting adventures with the Lost Boys, Tiger Lily's Indian tribe, and Peter's arch enemy the dastardly pirate Captain Hook.
Directed by: | Vincent J. Donehue |
Written by: | Jerome Robbins |
Runtime: | 101 minutes |
Mary Martin
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Cyril Ritchard
Mr. Darling / Captain Hook
Mr. Darling / Captain Hook
Lynn Fontanne
Maureen Bailey
Wendy / Jane
Wendy / Jane
Margalo Gillmore
Mrs. Darling
Mrs. Darling
Sondra Lee
Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.