Paul dans sa vie 2006


Paul Bedel will be 75 soon. He's and old bachelor, a peasant, a fisherman and a verger. He lives in a farm from another time with his two sisters, also unmarried. This year, they will retire : « Our lives will be filled with emptiness ». Their territory is the Cape of la Hague. The air is bracing, the wind is unpredicable, the granit is rough, and the horizon without boundaries. In here, Paul resisted to modernity, keen to preserve and improve his link to nature.

Directed by: Rémi Mauger
Written by: Rémi Mauger
Release date: 2006-05-03
Runtime: 103 minutes
Paul Bedel
Paul Bedel
Françoise Bedel
Françoise Bedel
Marie-Jeanne Bedel
Marie-Jeanne Bedel