Out 2024


Tom and Ajani are outsiders in their conservative, small village in The Netherlands. Together, they dream of freedom and a new life as film students in Amsterdam, where their relationship no longer has to be a secret. When they finally leave their old life in the countryside behind, they are confronted with the norms and social constructs of the big city that turn out to be completely different than what they imagined. While Ajani thrives in the Amsterdam queerscene, Tom struggles to find his place, putting a strain on their now public relationship. In this new world, freed from always being hated for who they are, who will they become?

Directed by: Dennis Alink
Written by: Dennis Alink & Thomas van der Gronde
Release date: 2024-06-26
Runtime: 91 minutes
Bas Keizer
Bas Keizer
Jefferson Yaw Frempong-Manson
Jefferson Yaw Frempong-Manson
Bram Agterbos
Bram Agterbos
Robbert Rodenburg
Robbert Rodenburg
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