Oswalt Kolle - Zum Beispiel: Ehebruch 1969


Oswald Kolle devotes himself to cheating and discusses the causes of any adultery in a conversation with psychologist Helmut Kentler. Kolle explains that an infidelity on the part of one of the two partners by no means has to mean the end of a marriage, but could even be an enrichment. Kolle's explanations are supported by two films in which a wife, neglected by her husband, gives herself to a childhood friend, and a husband, after initially resisting his secretary, finally ends up in bed with her after a fit of jealousy on the part of his wife.

Directed by: Alexis Neve & Oswalt Kolle
Written by: Oswalt Kolle
Runtime: 89 minutes
IMDb Oswalt Kolle - Zum Beispiel: Ehebruch movie stills
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Also known as:
  • Adultery