The Minions embark on their first day of work, eager to prove themselves in their new roles. After watching a hilariously outdated 'Initiation Video,' three rookie Minions take on bomb-carrying duty. Predictably, their enthusiasm quickly spirals into chaos as they bungle the simplest of tasks. Packed with slapstick comedy and the Minions' trademark antics, this short highlights their lovable ineptitude in the workplace.
Directed by: | Kyle Balda & Samuel Tourneux |
Written by: | Brett Hoffman |
Release date: | 2010-12-13 |
Runtime: | 4 minutes |
Related titles: |
Pierre Coffin
Minions (voice)
Minions (voice)
Rob Huebel
Announcer (voice)
Announcer (voice)
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Also known as:
- Despicable Me: Orientation Day
- Dzień inauguracyjny
- Grusomme Mig: Hysteriske Håndlangere: Orienteringsdag
- Minion Madness: Pályaválasztási nap
- Minions : La Journée d'Orientation
- Minions Mini-Movies - Einführungstag
- Orienteringsdag
- Безумные Миньоны День выбора профессии