On Your Back is a 1930 American drama film directed by Guthrie McClintic and written by Howard J. Green. The film stars Irene Rich, Raymond Hackett, H. B. Warner, Wheeler Oakman, Marion Shilling and Ilka Chase.

Directed by: Guthrie McClintic
Written by: Howard J. Green
Runtime: 70 minutes
Tagline: The film was released on September 14, 1930, by Fox Film Corporation. A trailer exists in the Library of Congress collection.
Rose Dione Rose Dione
Mrs. Dupinnet 
Arthur Hoyt Arthur Hoyt
Wheeler Oakman Wheeler Oakman
'Lucky'Jim Seymour 
H.B. Warner H.B. Warner
Raymond Pryor 
Charlotte Henry Charlotte Henry
Irene Rich Irene Rich
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Also known as:
  • Clothes and the Woman