Oliver Black 2020


Vendredi, a young African boy, crosses the desert in pursuit of the circus in Morocco. He meets an elder "White Man," aiming to attend his granddaughter's wedding, but has lost his camel. Together, they face the harsh environment, developing a father and son bond. They explore the wonder of humanity and their unique vision for the future. "White Man" is injured while saving Vendredi's life, who carries "white man" the rest of the way. Only to confront the ultimate betrayal. Vendredi finds himself in a circus more devastating than anything he had envisioned: ISIS. He becomes Oliver Black.

Directed by: Tawfik Baba
Written by: Tawfik Baba
Release date: 2020-03-20
Runtime: 93 minutes
Modu Mbow
Modu Mbow
Ilham Oujri
Ilham Oujri
Hassan Richiou
Hassan Richiou