A listless and alienated teenager decides to help his new friend win the class presidency in their small western high school, while he must deal with his bizarre family life back home.

Directed by: Jared Hess
Written by: Jared Hess & Jerusha Hess
Release date: 2004-06-11
Runtime: 95 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: He's out to prove he's got nothing to prove.
Jon Heder Jon Heder
Napoleon Dynamite 
Efren Ramirez Efren Ramirez
Pedro Sanchez 
Aaron Ruell Aaron Ruell
Kip Dynamite 
Jon Gries Jon Gries
Uncle Rico 
Haylie Duff Haylie Duff
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Also known as:
  • Nevetséges Napóleon
  • バス男
  • 나폴레옹 다이너마이트
  • Napoleon Wybuchowiec