Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes
Peter Debruge, Variety: Not so much a sequel as another stultifying character drama set in a world overrun by aliens ... Read more
Katie Rife, AV Club: Plays like a dorm-room answer to modern war films, complete with the constant profanity and masculine hysterics that pass for impact in an immature script. Read more
Leslie Felperin, Hollywood Reporter: Whatever the filmmakers' subtextual intentions may be, the film certainly gets stronger and more compelling as it goes on, thanks in part to intense emoting on the part of its cast. Read more
Martin Tsai, Los Angeles Times: Although Edwards is onboard for the new "Monsters: Dark Continent" as an executive producer, the sequel bears no resemblance to his original, thematically or stylistically. Read more
Tom Huddleston, Time Out: A desert-set men-on-a-mission movie complete with jabbering jihadis, macho hysteria and the occasional extraterrestrial waving its tentacles in the background as if to say: 'Isn't this supposed to be about me?' Read more
Rob Staeger, Village Voice: It's taxing to watch, and Green moves between scenes with Malick-inspired ellipses, frustrating momentum. Read more