The film is a continuation of the story of Tom Sawyer and his friends, the second part of the Romanian screenplay after the famous novel by Mark Twain. The three friends Tom, Huck and Becky continue their adventures full of puzzles and suspense.
Directed by: | Wolfgang Liebeneiner & Mihai Iacob |
Written by: | Walter Ulbrich & Mihai Iacob |
Runtime: | 69 minutes |
Roland Demongeot
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer
Marc Di Napoli
Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn
Jacques Bilodeau
Injun Joe
Injun Joe
Lucia Ocrain
Becky Thatcher
Becky Thatcher
Lina Carstens
Aunt Polly
Aunt Polly
Roland Armontel
Judge Thatcher
Judge Thatcher
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- La mort de Joe l'indien
- The Death of Joe the Indian