Critics score:
80 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Ben Walters, Time Out: Surely Glaser the trailblazer warrants a more stylistically adventurous tribute than this. Read more

Mark Feeney, Boston Globe: Diverting as Glaser is being retrospective, it's so much more interesting -- not to mention truer to his achievement -- watching him being creative. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: Collaborators testify to the continuing influence of Glaser, now almost 80, but seeing is believing in director Wendy Keys' pleasantly conversational documentary. Expect to mutter "He made that too?" at least a dozen times. Read more

V.A. Musetto, New York Post: A breezy look at the man somebody says "may be the best-known graphic artist in the world." Read more

Stephen Holden, New York Times: May leave you with the impression that the spirit of modern New York was conjured out of thin air by its subject. Read more

Andrew Sarris, New York Observer: What elevates the film to something more than a talking-heads documentary is the rapport established between Mr. Glaser and Ms. Keys on a project they both saw as a visual and verbal love letter to New York City. Read more

Kenneth Baker, San Francisco Chronicle: ...will leave an audience feeling both lightened and illuminated. Read more

Ronnie Scheib, Variety: Docu splendidly focuses on the artist but gives shorter shrift to the art itself. Read more

Aaron Hillis, Village Voice: It's a pleasant, largely anecdotal portrait. Read more