Laura returns to Chile, after thirty years, to say goodbye to his old and sick mother. In this bitter journey she is accompanied by his daughter Elizabeth, who still did not know her grandmother. When the old woman meets her granddaughter, she decides to change her will and leave the young Elizabeth as heir of the family mansion. When soon after the grandmother dies, Elizabeth examines the inheritance, and discovers with surprise that the mansion was donated to a foundation.

Directed by: Jörg Grünler
Written by: Andrea Stoll & Kathrin Richter & Jörg Grünler
Release date: 2008-01-01
Runtime: 180 minutes
Hannelore Elsner Hannelore Elsner
Laura Hansen 
Bettina Zimmermann Bettina Zimmermann
Isabel Hansen 
Peter Haber Peter Haber
Ignacio Kolbe 
Huub Stapel Huub Stapel
Herbert Hansen 
Oliver Bootz Oliver Bootz
Teresa Weißbach Teresa Weißbach
Esther Hansen 
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Also known as:
  • La herencia de los Hansen