Mac and Me 1988

Dave Kehr, Chicago Tribune: Mac and Me is a 99-minute commercial occasionally interrupted by a not-so-good children`s movie. Read more

Michael Wilmington, Los Angeles Times: It's an amazingly bald-faced copy of E. T. even though this is E. T. in a sticky wrapper, left under the heater two hours too long. Read more

Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer: Everything about MAC and Me -- not least the fact that it's fairly well-made and involving -- smacks of crass calculation. The filmmakers even have the gall, in the movie's parting shot, to announce a sequel. Read more

Caryn James, New York Times: If you made a film about a homesick extraterrestrial befriended by a little boy, would you dare to have the creature look like E. T.'s cousin? Read more

Time Out: Give the kids a break; take them to something else. Read more

Richard Harrington, Washington Post: So why is it so hard to like this film? Having seen it done so much better by Spielberg doesn't help, of course. Read more