Critics score:
13 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Nicolas Rapold, New York Times: This trifle about two soldiers who sneak away to America while on leave unfolds in a world about as realistic as a flashback on a sitcom. Read more

Rex Reed, New York Observer: Everybody learns something about the illusion of love and the power of honor. It's hard to believe it wasn't written by Nicholas Sparks. Read more

William Goss, Every bit as square and obvious as its title... Read more

Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times: "Love and Honor" suffices as old-fashioned, pie-in-the-sky entertainment. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: Hemsworth has presence, but he also represents this film's biggest problem: It feels like a bunch of good-looking kids putting on a show. Read more

Lou Lumenick, New York Post: "Love and Honor'' may be politically clueless, but Hemsworth and the student journalist he hooks up with (fellow Aussie Teresa Palmer of "Warm Bodies'') do make an undeniably attractive couple. Read more

Keith Phipps, Time Out: It's a lightweight drama filled with heavyweight war-is-hell monologues, delivered by a cast that lacks the gravity to sell them. Read more

Nick Schager, Village Voice: The CW version of the Vietnam War and the 1969 counterculture, Love and Honor hews to a mushy formula far older than its subject matter. Read more