Lola Rennt 1998

Critics score:
93 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Susan Stark, Detroit News: Read more

Janet Maslin, New York Times: It's a furiously kinetic display of pyrotechnics from the director Tom Tykwer, who fuses lightning-fast visual tricks, tirelessly shifting styles and the arbitrary possibilities of interactive storytelling... Read more

David Edelstein, Slate: Run Lola Run is more than the sum of its gimmicks: It has a real worldview. Read more

Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times: Not only does Lola run, she takes this hyperkinetic pop culture firecracker of a film with her. Read more

Houston Chronicle: Read more

Entertainment Weekly: A madly spinning top of a movie. Read more

Rick Groen, Globe and Mail: Run Lola Run is fun, fun, fun. Read more

Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader: A low-budget no-brainer, Run Lola Run is a lot more fun than Speed, a big-budget no-brainer... Read more

Peter Rainer, New York Magazine/Vulture: Interspersed with Lola's zigzag swiftness are moments when the action shifts into trancelike tableaux. Read more

Andrew Sarris, New York Observer: Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews:'s the most fun I have had at any movie thus far in 1999. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: A film of nonstop motion and visual invention. Read more

Charles Taylor, The writer-director of "Run Lola Run," Tom Tykwer, must have heard the phrase "moving pictures" at an impressionable age and taken it literally. Read more

Peter Stack, San Francisco Chronicle: ...the movie is a departure from the norm that will have audiences chattering well into the night... Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: Read more

David Rooney, Variety: Cleverly juggling the elements and encounters of a simple thriller scenario by using multiple viewpoints and a domino effect to create different destinies... Read more

J. Hoberman, Village Voice: ...a sort of power-pop variation on the mystical time-bending Euro-art movies made by the late Krzysztof Kieslowski. Read more