A classic crime narrative in the backdrop of Delhi merges a dysfunctional, mafia family at war with each other as an undercover officer fights his demons by assisting in their downfall.
Directed by: | Rohit Karn Batra |
Written by: | Rohit Karn Batra & Imtiaz Hussain |
Release date: | 2019-12-13 |
Runtime: | 104 minutes |
Tagline: | Survival after death |
Brendan Fraser
Charlie 'Charu' Jolpin
Charlie 'Charu' Jolpin
Prem Chopra
Bharat Sinha
Bharat Sinha
Abhay Deol
Officer Raghav
Officer Raghav
Ronit Roy
Prithvi Sinha
Prithvi Sinha
Neeraj Kabi
Siddharth Sinha
Siddharth Sinha
Ali Haji
Suraj Sinha
Suraj Sinha
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Yudh
- युद्ध