In this drama thriller set in the South, a young boy named Green (Bret Harrison) longs to escape his unhappy life but feels trapped in his hometown. A gifted special-effects makeup artist, Green has big dreams of working in Hollywood. But the boy's personal demons -- a drunken, abusive stepfather, a group of religious zealots out to destroy his work and the love of a girl who prefers small-town life -- may stand in the way of his dreams.
Directed by: | Robert Hall |
Written by: | Robert Hall |
Release date: | 2004-04-09 |
Runtime: | 97 minutes |
Tagline: | There are monsters standing in his way. |
Bret Harrison
Green Graves
Green Graves
Laura Prepon
Angevin Duvet
Angevin Duvet
Kevin Gage
Earl Knight
Earl Knight
Ashley Laurence
Jenny Graves
Jenny Graves
Shannon Eubanks
Ms. Duvet
Ms. Duvet
Lucas Till
Jay Graves
Jay Graves
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.