Letter to Brezhnev 1985


The factories, pubs, clubs, hotels and streets of 1980s Liverpool form the backdrop for this tale of love, friendship, sex and a letter to the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev. Two Liverpool lasses, Teresa and Elaine meet two Russian sailors, Sergei and Peter and hook up for a night of fun and frolics. Teresa is looking for sex and a smile, Elaine wants love, romance and the dream of a life far away from the grime of the Liverpool docklands. A classic British romantic comedy filled with new wave tunes, 80s fashion, a little politics and a lot of heart.

Directed by: Chris Bernard
Written by: Frank Clarke
Release date: 1985-11-15
Runtime: 91 minutes
Tagline: A new wave comedy … from Liverpool with Love.
Peter Firth
Peter Firth
Alfred Molina
Alfred Molina
Margi Clarke
Margi Clarke
Alexandra Pigg
Alexandra Pigg
Tracey Lea
Tracey Lea
Susan Dempsey
Susan Dempsey
Girl in Pub