Les amants naufragés 2011


Stan Mirkine would have everything to be happy. Now, he is sure of it: his wife is cheating on him. Too much in love, possessive to the extreme, he is haunted every day by the only fear of discovering that Mathilde is unfaithful. Day after day, week after week, suspicions precipitate Stan in an infernal spiral driven by jealousy. The existence of Mathilde and Stan rocking after an irreparable act: Stan kills the one he thinks is his rival. Soon, doubt settles, jealousy resurfaced. What if Stan was abused by his paranoia? Could it be that his jealousy is only the result of a mad scheme? Who would then draw the strings? ...

Directed by: Robinson Stévenin & Jean-Christophe Delpias
Written by: Pierre Boileau
Release date: 2011-06-13
Runtime: 90 minutes
Robinson Stévenin
Robinson Stévenin
Stan Mirkine 
Simon Abkarian
Simon Abkarian
Milo Garavan 
Jennifer Decker
Jennifer Decker
Horațiu Mălăele
Horațiu Mălăele
Liviu Ionescu 
Fabrice Michel
Fabrice Michel
David Molotti