The film is a love story which tells the impossible tale of two youths who have never before met. The action unrolls in Paris between 1979 and 1980.

Directed by: Eugène Green
Written by: Eugène Green
Release date: 2004-11-10
Runtime: 126 minutes
Mathieu Amalric Mathieu Amalric
Un spectateur du Nô 
Olivier Gourmet Olivier Gourmet
Jean-Astolphe Méréville 
Denis Podalydès Denis Podalydès
Guigui, alias l'Innomable 
Natacha Régnier Natacha Régnier
Sarah Dacruon 
Jérémie Renier Jérémie Renier
Alexis Loret Alexis Loret
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Also known as:
  • The Bridge of Arts