One night, a burglar in a Santa Claus costume is surprised by Victor, a young boy who believes he is the real Santa Claus. Victor then follows him, and they embark on an unexpected adventure that will change their lives.

Directed by: Alexandre Coffre
Written by: Alexandre Coffre & Laurent Zeitoun & Yoann Gromb & Fabrice Carazo & Rachel Palmieri & Carol Noble
Release date: 2014-12-04
Runtime: 80 minutes
Michaël Abiteboul Michaël Abiteboul
Le père fouettard 
Tahar Rahim Tahar Rahim
Le Père Noël 
Annelise Hesme Annelise Hesme
La mère d'Antoine 
Charlie Dupont Charlie Dupont
Homme cambriolé 
Philippe Rebbot Philippe Rebbot
Amélie Glenn Amélie Glenn
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Also known as:
  • Santa Claus
  • La Nuit de Noël
  • Santa Claus: A Verdadeira História do Papai Noel