Le gorille a mordu l'archevêque 1962


The directors of a company threatened by a railroad construction project in Africa decide to have the General Secretary of the Franco-African consortium killed. Géo Paquet, known as "Le Gorille", a DST spy, attempts to infiltrate the gang.

Directed by: Maurice Labro
Written by: Roger Hanin & Antoine-Louis Dominique
Runtime: 86 minutes
Roger Hanin
Roger Hanin
Le Gorille 
Roger Dumas
Roger Dumas
Louis Lehurit 
Huguette Hue
Huguette Hue
Fernand Fabre
Fernand Fabre
le secrétaire général 
James Campbell
James Campbell
Baudoin Ouemellé 
Marcel Cuminatto
Marcel Cuminatto
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Also known as:
  • The Deadly Decoy