A whole year went by before musician Juliane Hansen was able to put her running shoes back on — a year after her partner, Johann König, took his own life. Although her friend Rieke offers all the support she can, Juliane feels lonely and listless. Now, running and panting, she begins to confront her thoughts, which constantly revolve around Johann, and to allow new vitality to enter her life.

Directed by: Rainer Kaufmann
Written by: Silke Zertz
Release date: 2022-06-27
Runtime: 88 minutes
Anna Schudt Anna Schudt
Juliane Hansen 
Katharina Wackernagel Katharina Wackernagel
Rike Brandt 
Maximilian Brückner Maximilian Brückner
Johann König 
Gaby Dohm Gaby Dohm
Ute König 
Kai Schumann Kai Schumann
Victoria Trauttmansdorff Victoria Trauttmansdorff
Karina Mohl 
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Also known as:
  • Running