Critics score:
45 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Ben Lyons, At the Movies: I found it scary at times and I was tense and I was on the edge of my seat, , but ultimately it did spiral out of control and get a little ridiculous. Read more

Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune: The actors make it watchable, but with these incendiary themes, 'watchable' isn't exactly a wildfire. Read more

Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal: The movie's only mark of restraint is the absence of an earthquake. Read more

Mark Rahner, Seattle Times: A racial thriller that may be the feel-bad movie of the summer. Read more

Scott Tobias, AV Club: When [director] LaBute pulls the grenade pin on racism and interracial relationships in Lakeview Terrace, viewers should know to duck and cover. Read more

Randy Cordova, Arizona Republic: The movie's premise is suitably nerve-wracking and hits close to home: Who hasn't had to deal with a slightly whacked neighbor at some time? The addition of the law-enforcement angle is a clever twist. Read more

Wesley Morris, Boston Globe: The movie might have something to say about black racism, but the conversations go nowhere, and the cliches of the genre take over. Read more

Christy Lemire, Associated Press: Is this hell? Or a war zone? Maybe it's both, man. That's deep. Read more

J. R. Jones, Chicago Reader: This is being marketed as a slam-bang entertainment, but it's also one of the toughest and most relevant movies of the year. Read more

Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post: Lakeview Terrace's resistance to being one thing suggests the time has come when a movie featuring an interracial couple can no longer be merely about race and racism. Read more

Tom Long, Detroit News: As Lakeview Terrace moves forward, it becomes clear this isn't a movie about the shuffling of black and white; it's a film about abusing power and desperately clinging to the status quo. It's a film about the fear of the future. Read more

Gregory Kirschling, Entertainment Weekly: Unfortunately, Jackson is the best thing here.
 The rest of Lakeview is cravenly engineered to make Wilson's squishy liberal hero a man, and the only surprise is that Neil LaBute directed it for hire. Read more

Christine Champ, Read more

Liam Lacey, Globe and Mail: In its second half, Lakeview Terrace runs out of steam, culminating in a flatly directed climax, complete with halos of police lights, whirling helicopters and declamatory dialogue. Read more

Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times: Lakeview Terrace is a serviceable enough popcorn exercise in a few floundering Angelenos who can't just get along. Read more

Scott Foundas, L.A. Weekly: Can't we all just get along? LaBute doesn't deign to pretend that he knows the answer. Read more

Rafer Guzman, Newsday: A slightly poky thriller punctuated by some effectively tense scenes. Read more

Anthony Lane, New Yorker: It's a shame that the later stages of Lakeview Terrace should overheat and spill into silliness. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: Lakeview Terrace [is] an unsettling address for everyone -- black, white or 'blue'. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: Terrace pretends to be about the persecution of a mixed-race couple when really it's about how anyone might react living next door to the shark from Jaws. Read more

Kyle Smith, New York Post: Lakeview Terrace holds your interest, though the bad faith on all sides makes it something of an endurance test. Read more

Andrew Sarris, New York Observer: Mr. LaBute has fashioned a suspenseful film out of the peculiar vagaries of the casting, which makes us fear the worst at every turn of the plot. Read more

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: Well acted and tautly directed, it's a movie whose juice is its realism, the easily recognizable situation, the paranoia that any homeowner can identify with. Read more

Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer: By the time the film's frantic, far-fetched climax comes along, Lakeview Terrace's pretense at exploring racial intolerance has been exposed for what it really is: a B-movie copout. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: It's too bad the movie's moderately intriguing qualities are buried under the final half-hour's avalanche of predictability. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: I find movies like this alive and provoking, and I'm exhilarated to have my thinking challenged at every step of the way. Read more

Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle: In its overall shape and message, Lakeview Terrace is a conventional suspense thriller, but the details kick it up a notch. Read more

Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune: Slick, savvy and well executed, Lakeview Terrace is a typical studio release polished to a blinding sheen thanks to a superior cast and Neil LaBute, America's most dazzlingly gifted un-famous film director. Read more

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Read more

Peter Howell, Toronto Star: Jackson hasn't had a role this good or this complex in many a moon, even if the rote ending betrays the complexity of the set-up. Read more

Keith Uhlich, Time Out: Read more

Ben Kenigsberg, Time Out: Lakeview Terrace is gripping, ambitious and, by the time it ends, quite stupid. Read more

Derek Adams, Time Out: Read more

Claudia Puig, USA Today: As social commentary, it doesn't go deeply enough, and as a psychological thriller, it peters out in silliness. Read more

Dennis Harvey, Variety: Lakeview Terrace delivers fairly tense and engrossing drama before succumbing to thriller convention. Read more