The film tells the story of the Michelucci family, from the nineteen-seventies to the present day: the central character is the stunningly beautiful Anna, the lively, frivolous and sometimes embarrassing mother of Bruno and Valeria. Everything begins in the Summer of 1971, at the annual Summer beauty pageant held at Livorno’s most popular bathing establishment. Anna is unexpectedly crowned “Most Beautiful Mother”, unwittingly stirring the violent jealousy of her husband. From then on, chaos strikes the family and for Anna, Bruno and his sister Valeria, it is the start of an adventure that will only end thirty years later.
Directed by: | Paolo Virzì |
Written by: | Francesco Piccolo & Paolo Virzì & Francesco Bruni |
Release date: | 2010-01-15 |
Runtime: | 122 minutes |
Critics score: |
Valerio Mastandrea
Bruno Michelucci
Bruno Michelucci
Micaela Ramazzotti
Anna Nigiotti in Michelucci 1971-1981
Anna Nigiotti in Michelucci 1971-1981
Stefania Sandrelli
Anna Nigiotti in Michelucci 2009
Anna Nigiotti in Michelucci 2009
Claudia Pandolfi
Valeria Michelucci
Valeria Michelucci
Marco Messeri
Il Nesi
Il Nesi
Fabrizia Sacchi
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Also known as:
- The First Beautiful Thing