Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes
Stephen Holden, New York Times: A full appreciation of Lucrecia Martel's elegant, rain-soaked film, The Headless Woman, requires the concentration and eye for detail of a forensic detective. Read more
David Edelstein, New York Magazine/Vulture: The lead actress, Maria Onetto, holds you through the longueurs. Read more
Tom Keogh, Seattle Times: One of the film's great strengths is Martel's compressed visual power. Her ability to capture the disorientation of seeing the world from the seclusion of a car's interior is strangely compelling... Read more
Wesley Morris, Boston Globe: If Hitchcock and Antonioni ever had an interest in class guilt, you'd have Martel. Read more
G. Allen Johnson, San Francisco Chronicle: Martel's vision is so visually rich and complex it borders on the impressionistic, but The Headless Woman would be nowhere without the precise tour de force performance by Onetto. Read more
David Jenkins, Time Out: In what could be one of the greatest films ever made about the emotional realities of a damaged mind, this giddily disorientating latest from Lucrecia Martel is a work of frenzied genius. Read more
J. Hoberman, Village Voice: As dense and fluid as Martel's movie is, the viewer -- like the protagonist -- is compelled to live in the moment. And a rich moment it is. Read more