The eponymous garçonne or flapper is Monique Lerbier, an emancipated French woman who leaves home to escape a marriage of convenience to a man she does not love which her parents have forced on her. She then falls into all sorts of carnal temptations and artificial pleasures previously unknown to her. These include her being seduced into a lesbian love affair by a chanteuse.

Directed by: Jean de Limur
Written by: Albert Dieudonné
Runtime: 95 minutes
Arletty Arletty
Jean Tissier Jean Tissier
Des Souzaies 
Marie Bell Marie Bell
Monique Lerbier, la garçonne 
Jaque Catelain Jaque Catelain
Georges Blanchet 
Édith Piaf Édith Piaf
Philippe Hersent Philippe Hersent
Peer Rys 
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Also known as:
  • The Tomboy
  • A Emancipada
  • Garsonka
  • Synti