Koniec swiata czyli Kogel Mogel 4 2022


Agnieszka and Marcin's love is blooming, just like Kasia and professor Wolanski. Grandma Solska only dreams of the wedding of her only grandchild - However, his former lover, Bozenka, stands in the way of the happiness of young Zawada. Mrs. Wolanska decides to radically change her life and disappears in mysterious circumstances. Peace of Piotr and Marlenka is disturbed by the unexpected visit of his mother from overseas – And some very compromising photos trigger an avalanche of events. The real end of the world is underway.

Directed by: Anna Wieczur
Written by: Ilona Łepkowska
Release date: 2022-01-07
Runtime: 96 minutes
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Also known as:
  • The End of the World, or Egg Nogg 4