Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes
Roger Greenspun, New York Times: Pakula, when he is not indulging in subjective camera, strives to give his film the look of structural geometry, but despite the sharp edges and dramatic spaces and cinema presence out of Citizen Kane, it all suggests a tepid, rather tasteless mush. Read more
Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: With Fonda and Sutherland, you have actors who understand and sympathize with their characters, and you have a vehicle worthy of that sort of intelligence. So the fact that the thriller stuff doesn't always work isn't so important. Read more
Jay Cocks, TIME Magazine: [Fonda] makes all the right choices, from the mechanics of her walk and her voice inflection to the penetration of the girl's raging psyche. It is a rare performance. Read more
Melissa Anderson, Village Voice: A movie resolutely of its moment that still surges with third-rail electricity ... Read more