Ketika cinta bertasbih 2 2009


With background experience for entrepreneurship in Egypt, Azzam was not discouraged even to start business on its own. But how to get married, it is always alluded to by his mother. Women who his admired, Anna Althafunnisa has been proposed by his best friend. Whereas with Eliana whom he not love, it create much confusion. Azzam also trying to find his moorings, although quite a lot of the barriers that they face, which then makes it almost hopeless.

Directed by: Chaerul Umam
Written by: Imam Tantowi & Habiburrahman El Shirazy
Release date: 2009-12-10
Kholidi Asadil Alam
Kholidi Asadil Alam
Abdullah Khaerul Azzam 
Oki Setiana Dewi
Oki Setiana Dewi